Enjoy a Free Night of Jazz at the Millennium Stage at The Kennedy Center

The Millennium Stage at The Kennedy Center hosts free events for the community throughout the year, and with the DC Jazz Festival coming up, the theater has a jam-packed schedule in the coming weeks.
Starting on June 11th with a performance by bass player Amy Shook, the DC Jazz Fest comes to The Kennedy Center. The “Bass-ically Yours” DC Jazz Festival series continues with other bassists James King on June 12th, Tommy Cecil on June 14th, Herman Burney on June 15th, and other musicians through June 19th. After the jazz festival winds down, Millennium Stage hosts the UniverSoul Circus on June 24th and 25th. Bring the family along to experience the free-wheeling fun as acrobats catapult through the air and other performers play off of current pop culture trends. The UniverSoul Circus boasts performers from almost every continent, a perfectly appropriate cast for the melting pot of Washington, DC.

violins in stands
by Blog Editor
June 6, 2017 | No Comments